Web3 Hub
#Buidl Vancouver,
to be the Web3 Capital of the world.
A better City
Blockchain is not just a technology but a new way to build a better society.
"Vancouver technology companies are shaping the future of Web3, the next iteration of the internet." -- CBC newsHow Vancouver is shaping the metaverse
Video from CBC News
#DeFi is now eating the Wallstreet...
Release your creation flame.
Community matters.
Upgrade the engine of the game disruptively.
Web3 is the answer to the social layer's dilemma.
Public Goods
Incentive the public goods is the next move for our society.
Latest Events
Gather people who are interested in joining the revolutionary movement to change this world to be a better place for people to live.
In partnership with ChainUp, Top Value Finance, MetaverseLabs, and Getaverse, Web3Van will join the VIP Reception Night.See you all there!
Your support are crucial to the success of our goal!
Metaverse Labs
Founded in 2018, Metaverse Labs is a leading blockchain innovator and one of the first companies in the world to work on building the Metaverse on the Blockchain.
MetaDAO is a metaverse think tank founded in 2020. Our mission is to explore the potential of the Metaverse and how the Metaverse changes our society.
About Us
Web3Van, aka Web3 hub | Vancouver, is a community-driven organization focused on building the Web3 ecosystem in Metro Vancouver, BC. Our goal is to make Vancouver the Web3 Capital of the world.
It's very important to have your support! Subscribe to have our latest news, development, and coming events.
#Buidl & Support
If you are interested in joining Web3Van to be a volunteer, or offer any support, please contact us!Welcome to the future!
Together, #buldl a better city via Web3. Let's buidl Vancouver as the Web3 hub of the world.
to be a volunteer;
donate us to support;
Feel free to contact us if you need help or private some supports.